On September 16th, 19th, and 21st, the Alpha Delta Chapter hosted several ceremonies to successfully pin our incoming members in the Fall 2022 William "Damani" Keene Alpha Epsilon Pledge Class. Organized by Pledge Trainers Jessica Phan and Francis Cadiz, they both did a wonderful job formally introducing this class into our fraternity. Congratulations Alpha Epsilon! We're super excited to see what you guys accomplish this semester.
RUSH for FALL 2022 has officially begun! All SDSU Students are welcome to come out, join in our events, and meet both rushees and our Brothers! Starting this 2-week long period on Tuesday, the Alpha Delta Chapter hosted:
With the Alpha Delta class activated last Friday, brothers assembled to celebrate all the work and growth accomplished by the chapter during the Spring 2022 semester. Consisting of gifts and official recognition to and from, our Vice Presidents of Internal Relations Jayden Curameng and Ryan Hardmeyer put on a fantastic event commemorating all those involved. Shoutout to Pledge Class President Annie Huynh for her speech highlighting the class's trials, triumphs, and lessons gained throughout their pledging semester. With Spring 2022 officially over, the Alpha Delta chapter is incredibly excited to welcome the Alpha Delta class into its active body as brothers. Lastly, great job to all our Executive Board and committee members for making this memorable semester possible.
With this semester's end on the horizon, the Alpha Delta chapter hosted several events to provide members some well-earned relaxation before finals. In addition, final opportunities were given to help orgs like Princess Project, Autism Tree, and Feeding San Diego in serving local communities. Some notable events included APO Idol, a Chapter-Wide Social, and Scrapbooking hosted by Annie Nguyen!
This Saturday, the Alpha Delta chapter assembled to host APO GRAD, a celebration for our brothers finishing school in F21 to S22 and their achievements both in and outside the fraternity. With numerous classes in attendance like Rho, Upsilon, Tau, Phi, Chi, Psi, Alpha Alpha, Alpha Beta, Alpha Gamma, and Alpha Delta, the following brothers received certifications:
With the Alpha Delta chapter resuming operations per Spring Break's end, plenty of both brothers and pledges took initiative to start up activities once more. Here are some highlights:
This past weekend, Fellowship Vice President Jacquelyne Nguyen hosted APOlympics: a half-day competition where brothers throughout the chapter compete in a variety of sports and games to earn their team points. With each semester featuring a variety of different games, APOlympics for Spring 2022 consisted of:
This past Friday was one of APO's biggest events for the semester! What event was it exactly? [REDACTED]. Organized by PTs Liana Miranda and Maya Reyes and with help from their committee Kalli Jones, Cole Yamamoto, Katie Yamashita, Christina Kirchner, and Abby Arvidson, they did a spectacular job that the entire chapter will remember. With newfound guidance for their journeys within APO, the chapter's confident these efforts will help the Alpha Delta class excel during their pledge semester.
Pledge Retreat is a great opportunity for APO's pledges to get closer with their class, and we're happy to announce the John Lim Spring 2022 Alpha Delta class went on their 1st one this past weekend in Valley Center, CA! They've been working hard both in and out of the fraternity and the chapter hopes they had a good time. In addition, the Maggie Katz Fall 2021 Alpha Gamma class went on their 2nd this weekend in San Bernardino, CA!
Before these getaways however, a chapter-wide banquet was held to commemorate the Alpha Gamma class for crossing last semester. Filled with fam videos and gifts to the chapter, PTs, and senior brothers, it was definitely a night to remember. Scroll to the end of the slideshow to the AG class superlatives, by their pledge parents Jayden Curameng and Ashley Michelle Bides! With the Alpha Delta chapter's general activities underway, here's some highlights of what's going on within Alpha Phi Omega @ SDSU!
In pursuit of the three cardinal principles: leadership, friendship, and service, VPs Jacquelyne Nguyen, Milani Llavore, and Emma Fitzgerald coordinated brothers in getting involved with these events:
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